Artists: The Creative Personality Artists: The Creative Personality Artists: The Creative Personality Artists: The Creative Personality
Artists: The Creative Personality Artists: The Creative Personality Artists: The Creative Personality Artists: The Creative Personality

Artists: The Creative Personality

1 available / secondhand
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South Africa
Bob Shop ID

Published in conjunction with an October 1998 exhibition "L.A. Artists and Friends." Photographer Arkatov presents 91 artists who have enriched the American art scene from the 1950s through the 1990s and whose work has identified our time. The b&w and color photographs are accompanied by quotes from the artists on their work, which represent a wide variety of artistic styles ranging from the conceptual to the conservative and media from performance art to classical painting, sculpture, ceramics, multi-media and photography.

This item is second hand and has been used. The spine is slightly damaged but all the pages are intact and in good condition.

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