Carel refrigeration controller, thermostat, compressor, Fan & Defrost relay C227472 IR33 Carel refrigeration controller, thermostat, compressor, Fan & Defrost relay C227472 IR33
Carel refrigeration controller, thermostat, compressor, Fan & Defrost relay C227472 IR33 Carel refrigeration controller, thermostat, compressor, Fan & Defrost relay C227472 IR33

Carel refrigeration controller, thermostat, compressor, Fan & Defrost relay C227472 IR33

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South Africa
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Electronic microprocessor controllers with LED display developed for the management of refrigerating units, display cabinets and showcases

  • For low temperature ventilated refrigeration units

  • Pre-configured to reduce the start-up times

  • Limited number of parameter, only 27

  • Power supply 230Vac

  • Ambient probe 2x NTC

  • Compressor relay 12A - (30LRA)

  • Defrost relay 8A

  • Evaporator fan relay 8A

  • IP65 protection on the front

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