Chilli Seeds Serrano Chilli - 30 Chilli Seeds

Chilli Seeds Serrano Chilli - 30 Chilli Seeds

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South Africa
Chilli Peppers
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The Serrano, meaning 'from the mountains', is native to Mexico and south-west America. The abundant candle-flame shaped fruit up to 9cm  long and 2cm  wide. The fruits are green, then red at full maturity and are borne on attractive 75 to 90cm erect, branching plants.

Serrano peppers are fleshy and meaty with the unique Serrano flavour so popular in Mexican cuisine. They look like slender Jalapeños, but are a little hotter at 10,000 to 23,000 SHU.
This traditional Mexican salsa chilli is called for in many recipes; it is eaten fresh and used in many sauce recipes. The red chilies are usually a little sweeter, they are often be threaded on string and dried as a colourful ornament.

The Serrano adapts easily to different climates and altitudes, which allows it to be cultivated in many regions. Upright, hairy and woody-stemmed, the plant that is also hardier than most chilli varieties, making it a good choice for overwintering. A vigorous bearer, the fruits reach full size in 75 days from potting on.
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