R65.00 Standard shipping applies to orders under R100.00, in most areas in South Africa. R35.00 Standard shipping applies to orders over R100.00. Some areas may attract a surcharge surcharge. This will be calculated at checkout if applicable. Check my rate
The seller allows collection for this item. Buyers will receive the collection address and time once the order is ready.
The seller has indicated that they will usually have this item
ready to ship within 12 business days.
Shipping time depends on your delivery address.
The most accurate delivery time will be calculated at checkout,
but in general, the following shipping times apply:
Hardeband boek in goeie toestand - daar is knaagmerke aan die onderkant vd buiteblad aan die voor- en agterkant. Die binnekant van die boek is nog in baie goeie toestand.
'n Gedeelte van die stofomslag is voorop die boek geplak.
Hierdie is waarskynlik die 1ste uitg, 1ste druk, 1928 ?? 291 bl'e.