Large 43cm antique glass dome on wooden base for that very special item Large 43cm antique glass dome on wooden base for that very special item Large 43cm antique glass dome on wooden base for that very special item Large 43cm antique glass dome on wooden base for that very special item
Large 43cm antique glass dome on wooden base for that very special item Large 43cm antique glass dome on wooden base for that very special item Large 43cm antique glass dome on wooden base for that very special item Large 43cm antique glass dome on wooden base for that very special item

Large 43cm antique glass dome on wooden base for that very special item

1 available / secondhand
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Main centres:  1-3 business days
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Product details

South Africa
Bob Shop ID

No damage to glass dome height 42cm dome diam 27cm missing one little foot

last picture is just and example store porcelain figurines, clocks or your special item

this item would have to be couriered with with courier guy cost R 160.00

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