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Metal Grape Vine Crucifix
Metal Grape Vine Crucifix Metal Grape Vine Crucifix Usage:
This Crucifix is used by Catholics as devotional items to remind them of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. A crucifix is a sacramental and can assist Catholics in growing in grace if it is blessed by a Priest and used devoutly. Every Catholic should have a crucifix.
This Crucifix can be hung on the wall/worn around the neck on a chain.
Throughout the life of the Church the crucifix has been an important devotional item for Catholics. The image of Our Blessed Lord on the Cross is a visible reminder of Christ's triumph over sin and death on calvary. The crucifix helps us to meditate on the great price Our Lord paid for our sins and we should keep this image always before us. The crucifix is also powerful in warding off the forces of evil. No Catholic home should be without a crucifix and traditionally there would be one in every room.
Look down upon me, good and gentle Jesus,
while before Thy face I humbly kneel and,
with burning soul,
pray and beseech Thee
to fix deep in my heart lively sentiments
of faith, hope and charity;
true contrition for my sins,
and a firm purpose of amendment.
While I contemplate,
with great love and tender pity,
Thy five most precious wounds,
pondering over them within me
and calling to mind the words which David,
Thy prophet, said of Thee, my Jesus:
They have pierced My hands and My feet,
they have numbered all My bones."