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Quick Release Spring Bars (Pair of 2) - 22mm

36 were available / new
Indicative market price: R45.00
R65.00 Standard shipping applies to orders under R100.00, in most areas in South Africa. R35.00 Standard shipping applies to orders over R100.00. Some areas may attract a R30.00 surcharge. This will be calculated at checkout if applicable.
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The seller has indicated that they will usually have this item ready to ship within 2 business days. Shipping time depends on your delivery address. The most accurate delivery time will be calculated at checkout, but in general, the following shipping times apply:
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Main centres:  1-3 business days
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Product details

South Africa
Product code
Bob Shop ID

Sold in pairs of two
Diameter: 1.5mm
Stainless Steel

Please Note:
Your strap needs to support quick release spring bars in order to use these.