Welcome to my auction . Please use all photos as reference to the condition of the item , ask questions if you are unsure about size etc . I am always willing to assist . Please read the shipping terms and options to avoid misunderstandings .
SIZE : 6.2 X 4.7 CM
Shipping Options :
PAXI - R120 - R20 packaging fee - Combine as many small items as you win and pay no extra shipping / combining fees . Takes up to 9 working days from dispatch . Please provide the details of your nearest PEP store . No tracking number . Maximum size to be determined .
Pudo - R20 packaging fee , No per extra item fees for jewelry , coins or other tiny items - You organise the locker and pay directly to Pudo , I will drop it for you once you have sent me the locker code . This service usually takes 3 - 4 working days from dispatch . No tracking number , it`s all up to you and cheap .
The Courier Guy : R180 , no extra per item fees for jewelry , coins , knives or medallions . ( This option is 4 times more costly for me ) . A tracking number will be provided after dispatch . Takes 2 - 5 working days from dispatch , sometimes 24 hours .
Arrange your own courier : R20 packaging fee for small items , R50 packaging fee for paintings and ornaments ( neither fee covers my costs but it helps ) . Collections on Mondays ONLY .
Please remember that Bid or buy takes +-10% of your shipping fee for facilitating the transaction . I have no control over this .
I do not accept any responsibility for lost or damaged items . Packaging is always above par .