Sling bags short Sling bags short Sling bags short Sling bags short Sling bags short Sling bags short Sling bags short
Sling bags short Sling bags short Sling bags short Sling bags short
Sling bags short

Sling bags short

160 available / new
R35.00 Standard shipping using one of our trusted couriers applies to most areas in South Africa. Some areas may attract a R30.00 surcharge. This will be calculated at checkout if applicable.
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The seller has indicated that they will usually have this item ready to ship within 3 business days. Shipping time depends on your delivery address. The most accurate delivery time will be calculated at checkout, but in general, the following shipping times apply:
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Main centres:  1-3 business days
Regional areas: 3-4 business days
Remote areas: 3-5 business days
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Product details

South Africa
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Bob Shop ID
  • Sling bags short are craft genuine leather handmade bags. 
  • made in Cape Town by cape Masai leather.
  • fits phone and a small
  • Purse perfect for ever day by those who love tiny bags. 
  • Measuring

         Length 18cm 

        Width 4cm

         Height 19cms

    Perfect for everyday bag or travel or use as money bag. 

Orders may be made from scratch due Colours availability.

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