STATICE "PACIFIC MIX" - Limonium sinuatum
Would you like to add a rainbow of colours to your garden? If yes, then growing statice, a gorgeous plant from the Mediterranean, would be the best bet for you. Depending on the variety cultivated, statice grows up to 45cm. Its colours range from white, yellow, blue, deep purple, red to bicolour. Sometimes, it is also called Linoleum or sea lavender, because its blossoms resemble those of lavender. The flowers of statice often grow in clusters, which appear large and flattish. Due to its long-lasting beauty, statice has become one of the popular choices for people who love to beautify their backyard. The flower is also used for floral arrangements
For growing statice, select a spot where there is ample sunlight. As for the timing, you can plant it during spring or autumn. Statice grows well in poor to average soil conditions. The soil should be well drained and have a pH ranging from 6.0 to 6.5. A good-composted soil, without any fertilizers, serves as the best bet. Statice is a seaside plant; you can add sand in the soil, before planting it. The annual statice is very hardy plant and can withstand any kind of harsh conditions. You don’t have to take care of it much, as it can sustain dry spells and even prolonged heat, without any problem.