Main centres: | 1-3 business days |
Regional areas: | 3-4 business days |
Remote areas: | 3-5 business days |
This is our brightest hour!
Every day you make choices that influence the culture and atmosphere around you. You are designed, as part of your purpose, to invade and solve problems here on earth. You've been given the keys to unlock infinite change in the here and now.
Take hold of God's power and God's wisdom.
As you wield the long-term strategy of His wisdom and the immediacy of His miracle-working power, you will live out the most undeniable demonstration of the heart, passion and nature of God. You will touch--and restore--the hearts of individuals, families, communities, cities and nations. You will create eternal impact and significance right now.
What a moment to be alive!
As you live out God's power and wisdom, and fully yield yourself to His purposes--maintaining a heart of hope and promise for the days ahead--you will work wonders for His Kingdom.
Foreword by Jack Hayford 7
Acknowledgments 9
No of pages: 224
Publisher: Baker Book House