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All ratings received by ghs101

Everything 100% - great buyer, thank you very much!
19 Feb 2013 Luxury4Less456
SUPER BUYER!!!! Very friendly, quick to do payment and instant response. Its always such a pleasure doing business with super buyers, Thank you!!!
18 Oct 2012 Online Deals SA103507
Great buyer! Thank you very much!! Your support is greatly appreciated!
01 Feb 2012 MegaStore18740
Great buyer, quick payment and good communication. Thank you
14 Sep 2011 Pure and Solid196
A + Buyer. Quick Payment. Thank you. Please Call again.
24 Nov 2010 WeGotBalls422
Good buyer. Will do business again
13 Feb 2010 eagerbeaver21
Excellent Buyer. Fast Payment. Highly Recommended. Thank you.
07 Apr 2009 atb57