Walks and Words of Jesus - Ebook

Walks and Words of Jesus - Ebook

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The main goals this book sets out to reveal are:

A complete harmony of the several Evangelistic narratives, in a consecutive
chronological order, thus presenting in one view a complete and perfect
picture of our Saviour's life and ministry. Every word of each Gospel is given,
except that which is embraced in the two opening chapters, but also is in continued
and unbroken flow, and not in the fragmentary and disjointed order of chapter
and verse, as found in the ordinary form.

The words spoken by Jesus himself are raised out of the page, in relief, by
means of larger type; so that if the reader is desirous, he can peruse at a
single sitting all the words of the Master left on record, in the order of
their utterance, and apart from the words of others, without the labor of

While the main intent is to present the Gospels in a harmonious arrangement,
and especially to give prominence to the divine speaker himself, the author
has furnished two preliminary and a concluding chapter of real interest and
value, in the first of which, by a judicious collocation of passages from the
Old and New Testaments, he traces Christ as he appeared in Creation and
Providence, as set forth by the Prophets and Apostles. In the second he
sketches a brief account of his childhood with appropriate reflections, and
in the concluding chapter ending the volume, he gives his words uttered after
the ascension, as found in the Epistles and the book of Revelation.

This 206 page PDF ebook comes with Master Resell Rights.

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