Weaping Boer Bean (Schotia Brachypetala) Seeds

Weaping Boer Bean (Schotia Brachypetala) Seeds

86 available / new
R65.00 Standard shipping applies to orders under R100.00, in most areas in South Africa. R35.00 Standard shipping applies to orders over R100.00. Some areas may attract a surcharge surcharge. This will be calculated at checkout if applicable.
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The seller has indicated that they will usually have this item ready to ship within 4 business days. Shipping time depends on your delivery address. The most accurate delivery time will be calculated at checkout, but in general, the following shipping times apply:
Standard Delivery
Main centres:  1-3 business days
Regional areas: 3-4 business days
Remote areas: 3-5 business days
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Product details

South Africa
Product code
Bob Shop ID

Minimum of 6 seeds per pack

All seeds are tested and grown on our farm in Malawi and our growing area in South Africa. Please check conditions in your area for the type of seed to be grown. Growth rates and germination times are dependent on many factors such as soil conditions, rainfall/watering patterns, climate, and many more.

Growth and harvest can be affected by these conditions. Please note that certain countries require specific permission to grow certain plants or ban their growth completely. Please check your local regulations before purchasing products.

We will not be held responsible for products purchased that are not allowed in your country/province.

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